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Toddler Room 
Granby Location


about our program

Welcome to the Toddler Room! In this room we care for children who are 1 to 2 1/2 years old. Two teachers can care for up to 9 toddlers each day in this classroom. In the toddler room, the children follow a daily schedule designed to meet their age appropriate needs and teach routines and consistency. However, our teachers are prepared to be flexible as toddlers are active explorers. The classroom is equipped with a variety of options for toddlers to discover with their whole being. Teachers start introducing a circle time each morning, singing songs, reading books, and doing group gross motor activities. The children start to recognize colors and begin to participate in active learning activities set up by the teachers.


505 Willow Ln, Fraser, CO 80442

150 Eastom Ave, Fraser CO 80442

43 Ten Mile Dr, Granby CO 80446



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*GKLC serves enrolled families and does not offer drop in child care*

If you would like to be added to our wait list, please fill out the enrollment form at the top of your screen

©2024 by Grand Kids

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